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Jonang Takten Phuntsok Choeling Monastery

Jonang Monastery Logo
Monastery of the Unwavering Path to Liberation


We are a Buddhist monastery situated in the serene landscapes of Shimla, northern India, dedicated to preserving and propagating the ancient Jonang tradition. Rooted in profound teachings, our monastery, named Main Jonang Takten Phentsok Choeling, has a rich history marked by the guidance of revered figures such as Lama Jinpa Gyatso and successive abbots like Choeji Nangwa Rinpoche and Geshe Kunga Rinchen. Embracing a comprehensive curriculum, we offer studies in sutras and mantras, Tibetan calligraphy, English, Hindi, mathematics, and physics. Our commitment extends beyond academic pursuits, fostering both spiritual and intellectual growth for our diverse student community. Join us on a transformative journey, where tradition meets modern education in the heart of the Himalayas.

Portrait of His Holiness Jetsun Dhampa Jampal Namdrol
The Late His Holiness 9th Jetsun Dhampa Jampal Namdrol, Reincarnation of Tāranātha and the previous Jonang Throne Holder

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HH Jetsun Dhampa Jampal Namdrol
A Trio of Students Chanting
Teacher in the Library
Young Students
Chanting with Drums 2


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Housing atop the Mountains

Our main building is in need of renovation after damage from a flood

Goal: $1000


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